Saturday, October 20, 2007

::catches breath::

Life has been INSANE. My work as the Executive Director for the Hearth Fund is really picking up. I'm the office manager for two state Representatives come January (working two days a week in Denver... and probably more at home) and working as the assistant to the best campaign manager in Colorado. :D God is very good to me. When I'm not working on politics, I'm a regular ol' dancing fool. I've been dancing several hours a week, I can now do aerials! I'm also trying out (and most likely not making) for a competitive swing dance team at the Air Force Academy (they have spots for six civilian girls). I feel like I'm always doing something (and when I'm not, I'm wasting time on the internet...), but it's not a stressfully busy feeling. Which is good.

Annnnnnnnd. I've been tagged. Here are seven things you shouldn't know about me already:

1) I'm terrified of public speaking. Go ahead and laugh. Yes, I still do it, and I enjoy it sometimes, but the build up to it almost makes me sick...

2) I can tell where someone in Britain is from by their accent down to the county in most cases. Not every time, but a lot of the time.

3) I've written my own actual Constitution that I think, with a few minor adjustments, could actually work in the real world.

4) I am so afraid of spiders that I've actually cried at the sight of them.

5) I'm not a big fan of chocolate (I rarely can eat it), but I love really sugary candies (like Bottlecaps, Sweettarts, Skittles, et al.).

6) I have an IQ of 129 according to a test on facebook...

7) My (new) favourite songs to dance to are Song for You by Michael Buble (for blues) and Zoot Suit Riot by Big Bad Voodoo Daddy (for general swing).


Rick said...

We I got tagged it was EIGHT things about me. You short changed us!!

Rick said...

It's been a while since you've posted anything.

I'm visiting all those who have posted before and I'm inviting them over to my blog for a little giveaway that I am having. No gimicks, just a way to celebrate one year of blogging.