Friday, November 17, 2006


I've decided it's time to obtain a far more serious blog to use for school assignments, treaties on public policy, rants on the culture and ramblings on current events. I'm really excited about using this!

My other blogs are Misty Dreams, SophisticatedMari and Polemic Rants, just so you can get an idea of my debate and silly sides.

My goal for this blog is to comment on things I find important to me. This will probably be books, music, politics, current events, and the culture as a whole. I may from time to time post on theology (from my Missouri-Synod Lutheran point of view), but as a whole, I feel it is more impactful to discuss the things seperate from that (and I usually post that type of thing on Misty Dreams).

For my final observation at this point in time, I would like to explain this particular blog's name. "Clockwork silence" and "Splinters in the light" are both phrases from a Josh Groban song called "Now or Never". I particularly liked the mystic, yet awesome, nature of those phrases, and so chose to call my blog after them. Josh Groban has been a huge influence on my life in the past almost year, and I felt it only appropriate to call my blog after something that has impacted me that much.




Anonymous said...

Dahling! I'm Josh Groban Fan too, as thou knowest well. I hope to see you very soon!

The Underground ;-)

Heidi said...

I was just wondering why you have separate blogs for everything, Sarah. :-) I like reading what you write, but it seems a bit silly to me to spread it all out over a bunch of different blogs.